Did you know that you can visit the most popular neighbourhoods of Barcelona in just 5 minutes? Our school makes the impossible possible. From Barceloneta to Poblenou in 3 seconds, from Sagrada Familia to Raval in 10 seconds! Sant Antoni, Eixample, Sagrada Família, Born, Poble-sec, Raval, Poblenou, Gòtic, Barceloneta and Gràcia – you can get there in a blink of an eye. It’s soooooooo crazy! 🙂

No, unfortunately we don’t have a transporter like in Star Trek. That would be too awesome and it would make travelling for our students so much easier. By the way, do you know what the translation of the famous phrase of Captain Kirk “Beam me up, Scotty” is? The Spanish Capitán Kirk would have said:”Teletransportame, Scotty.” But why “would”? Well, in the original series Captain Kirk never used the exact phrase “Beam me up, Scotty”. I myself did not know that until writing this article……
Okay, hmmm, I have got lost, what were we talking about? Ah, yes, the incredible journey through Barcelona in 5 minutes. Here is a little hint:
Okay, let’s lift the veil of mystery: Our classrooms are all named after different neighbourhoods of Barcelona, so you can hop from Raval to Gracia in just seconds 🙂 We decided to give them the names of the neighbourhoods because:
1. ❤️ we love Barcelona ❤️
2. our school is as fun and entertaining as this exciting city
3. everyone is welcome at our school – no matter who you are or from which neighbourhood, city, country, continent, planet or universe you come from 🌍
By the way, we even have a cool 3D model of our school, where you can see the different areas with classrooms, offices, reception etc. So if you have never been to our school here you have an impression of what it would look like in a computer game:

If you are really nosy and you would like to see exactly how our school looks like, you can just search for Olé Languages in Google. The general information about our school should appear in the right column. If you click on “See photos” and then on “360º view” you can get a great impression of our school. “Oh no, that’s too much searching and clicking!” Come on, stop complaining and just click this link. 🙂
But the best way to get to know us is to just drop by! We are looking forward to meet you in person!